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 Xup guys, Happy New Month in advance.

I am here to introduce you to one of my earning sites, and I hope you know, I don't earn by scamming people, that's against my way of life, cause scamming people brings alot of bad luck.

So many scammers die mysteriously and in a painful 😖😣 way, that's why I stick to making clean money 🤑💰 always.

You may have been "asking why I'd previously posted things about hacking tools?". Well my answer is that, I posted those things just to alert my viewers of the fraudulent activities going on.

So moving on to the topic of the day "MAKING 2X YOUR MONTHLY SALARY USING JUST YOUR PHONE".

This platform am about to show you guys is new and reliable, I have withdrawn my earnings multiple times, like 4times now and my 5th withdrawal is gonna be huge.

See my earnings.

And do you know that you also earn even when your teammates are earning, withdrawing or even liking posts. This is the best part of it, you don't even have to earn through referring people, you can earn by liking posts.Then for withdrawals, withdrawals are made on daily basis.

I introduce you to "PURENETWORK INTEL".

What is purenetwork intel?


Purenetwork intelligence is an all round ads marketplace that helps ads vendors and customers to easily reach out to each other.


Who are ads vendors: Ads vendors are companies that registers with pure network intelligence to display their products and services on our all round ads market.


Who are customers: Customers are users on purenetwork intel who on the other hand likes the items posted by ads vendors on the purenetwork all round ads market.


The ads vendors usually gets impressions for their products and services posted regularly and in turn also get massive feedbacks from customers hence improving their general sales in the legal products and services they sell.



While ads vendors and customers are linking up on the website to make sales and lots of impressions, purenetwork intelligence has an earning structure to compensate customers for their daily creation of impression.


Purenetwork intel provides with users 3 different systems that all users can venture into and get merits from. 


1. Ultimate cycler: The UC is a package in the purenetwork growth model that was introduced to totally ensure that all types of users gets merited. It is a team effort and also an individual effort, it’s just purely a cycle effort.

How does it work. 

A) Identify/Register with a group or create your own group.

B) Then you can cashout on daily basis ( minimum of 2k).

C) Resubscribe(optional) and earn then cashout again.

D) Keep repeating (C) above until you’re tired of making money.


The system is solely structured on everyone’s effort, therefore u do not need to refer at all, all you need to do is register with any group of your choice and the system keeps cycling everyone automatically according to the time registered and you keep getting paid.


Registration is #3000

Referral bonus(#500) totally and totally optional 

Daily withdrawal of #7000 per person 

No task is expected at all

No logins


    2. Multi level marketing model 

This is a pure networking model on purenetwork intel Whereby a group effort is needed 

It can be explained further as below 

A) You get paid 10,000 into your dashboard immediately you register 

B) You get paid continuous spillovers from your direct downlines of 500 always 

C) You apply daily once your 10,000 is active 

D) The more stages you break, the more your chances of winning amazing prices.

   3. Purepost marketing model.

This is purely a model on purenetwork intelligence that deals solely with vendor ads and one click ads likers.

Just as explained in our bio, the vendors posts their products and services for sale while the ads likers in turn, likes those posts in an attempt to create high rate impressions for the ads vendors.


The vendors register on our website for a flat fee of 5000 for one ads to be posted 5 times in a month.

While the ads likers on the purepost model registers on our website for just 2500 alone and earns the following. 

1. instant registration bonus of 1000 PNI to be converted to earnings. 

2. Once click like of ads by ads vendors of 450PNI to be converted to earnings. 

3. Direct referrals of ads likers 1700.

4. Indirect earnings from downlines 200.






Expert rank- 80 referrals to unlock.

Veteran rank - 150 referrals to unlock.

Ultra rank - 300 referrals to unlock.

Master rank - 500 referrals to unlock.




Beginner - 50 referrals.

Silver -150 referrals.

Gold - 300 referrals. 

Platinum -500 referral.



Expert - 10 cycles.

Pro- 20 cycles.

Elite- 50 cycles.

Legendary - 100 cycles.


Once any of this ranks at attained, contact us ASAP for your amazing rewards such as 10% addition of the amount WITHDRAWN AT ONCE.

Note that you must accumulate these amounts and apply for them at once and not in bits.

My people ohh, you know I Ezenwa Destiny loves you 😍🥰 and I would not bring in any fake advert, so my aim here is to help you the way someone did for me, I want to help you reading this right now to increase your earning capability so that you can be financially free.

As a matter of fact, I made my first "Hundred Thousands"(700,000) as a 17yrs old, in less than two months now and my team is the best, I want you guys to join my team and experience what you have never experienced before (breakthrough) in your bank accounts.

See my teammates post in my dm 

This guy literally thought it was a scam😂😹

Then my cousin decided to get-in on the platform and came back thanking me 😊.

For anyone to be financially free, he /she must have an undying taste for money, it's now your choice, if you wanna make your first 10k, 20k, 30k etc. You could chat up the Admin.

If interested, you can dm the admin via




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